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Who we are

The Porsche experience reaches across the cars and the years to people, binding together the family whose name the cars bear, the men and women who design and build them, and those across the world who drive and cherish them. Porsche has no equal, and since its founding in 1955, the Porsche Club of America (PCA) has catered to the particular needs and interests of the Porsche owner. In fact, the PCA has grown to be the largest single-marque car club in the world with approximately 160,000 members. 


As an integral part of PCA's structure, and so as to provide centers for local activities and camaraderie, PCA features 147 Regions located throughout the United States and Canada. Located in Central Oregon, the High Desert Region (HDR) is one such Region serving our local PCA members. We know the unbridled joy that a Porsche can provide, and we've built a community around that very feeling. The Porsche Club of America and the HDR offer driving experience, technical assistance, and camaraderie second to none.


So if you own a Porsche, any Porsche, or intend to own one, Join us!!
